
Maddie (Knowles) Johnson
CBD and Your Body: How CBD Affects the Endocannabinoid System

CBD and Your Body: How CBD Affects the Endocannabinoid System

Recently, CBD (cannabidiol) has become extremely popular because of its potential health benefits. From managing anxiety and relieving chronic pain to improving sleep, CBD has found its way into countless wellness routines. But what exactly happens when you consume CBD, and how does it interact with your body? The answer lies in the endocannabinoid system (ECS). What is the Endocannabinoid System? In order to understand the intricacies of how CBD affects the endocannabinoid system, we have to understand the ECS itself. The ECS is a complex cell-signaling system found within our bodies. Its primary role is maintaining homeostasis, ensuring that...

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Maddie Knowles
Beyond the High: All About THC

Beyond the High: All About THC

Whether you’re a seasoned cannabis lover or are new to the game, there’s a seemingly endless wealth of information out there about THC that can be a little overwhelming to digest. What exactly is THC? How is it different from CBD? Well, we broke it all down so you don’t have to!

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Ryan Hanaman
An Island of Prohibition

An Island of Prohibition

Yesterday, on August 1st, 2023, Marijuana became recreationally legalized in Minnesota. Wisconsin is now an island of marijuana prohibition in the Midwest. Also, Reporter, Stephanie Rodriguez with CBS 58 stopped by Kind Oasis to interview us about our industry and the our thoughts about the state of Ill-legalization in Wisconsin. Watch that clip here In remarkably ironic fashion, today, August 2nd, 86 years ago, The Marihuana Tax Act of 1937 was passed to classify marijuana a drug and essentially tax the hemp industry into obscurity. This act was spearheaded by the very first Commissioner of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, an especially vile individual;  Harry Anslinger.  While...

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Ryan Hanaman
A Kind review from a great source...

A Kind review from a great source...

...Led by a passionate family-driven team in Milwaukee, Kind Oasis has established itself locally as a trusted supplier of high-quality CBD products. I wanted to see what all the fuss was about and find out if Kind Oasis really were as good as I’d heard, so I got hold of some of their most popular products to try out for myself. In this Kind Oasis review, I’m going to share what I thought about their products, as well as take a closer look at the brand to see how they’ve made such a profound impact on the Milwaukee CBD scene....

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