On Monday, October 31st from 11am-1pm, Kind Oasis will be hosting a Marijuana Legalization Referendum Press Conference at our store.
We are hosting this event to raise awareness, and create enthusiasm for the Marijuana Referendum Question that will appear on your ballot November 8th:
“Do you favor allowing adults 21 years of age and older to engage in the personal use of marijuana, while also regulating commercial marijuana-related activities, and imposing a tax on the sale of marijuana?”
We have seen how legalization has benefitted neighboring states. We need to make our voices heard!
Our Speakers Include
State Senator, Melissa Agard - Senator Agard is the leading advocate for legalization of marijuana in the Wisconsin State Legislature.
Cannabis Researcher, Brad Rowe - Brad is an Adjunct Professor of Criminal Justice and Drug Policy at UCLA and works as an advisor and researcher for legalization. He is on the editorial Board of the Cannabis Research Journal.
County Supervisor, Ryan Clancy - Ryan is the Democratic nominee for Assembly District 19 and a strong advocate for legalization.
President of Wisconsin Justice Initiative Action (WJIA), Joe Czarnezki - Joe is a former State Senator and Milwaukee County Supervisor.
Presented by Andrew Hysell - Andrew is the Director for Forever Wisconsin and an attorney at Lawton & Cates.
Decriminalizing marijuana will encourage safer buying opportunities, decrease criminal activity, and improve local and state economies.
Legalize, Regulate and Keep Our Citizens Safe!
Please join us for this event hosted by Kind Oasis and co-sponsored by Forever Wisconsin, The Wisconsin Cannabis Association, Shepherd Express and Wisconsin Justice Initiative Action.
October 31, 2022 – 11:00am to 1:00pm
Kind Oasis
2169 N Farwell Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53202